A young man is racing down the highway at speeds well in excess of 100 mph. Does he do this just for kicks? Is he on a suicide mission? Whatever his reason, he probably was not on a mission to commit murder, but that is where his reckless driving has taken him. He now sits in a Sandusky county jail facing two charges of vehicular homicide.
It was Thanksgiving Day when most families are relaxing after a big meal. This 24-year-old man was driving a black Infiniti down the turnpike at breaking speeds anywhere from 125 mph to 150 mph. The Ohio State Highway Patrol were informed of the driving, but safety concerns for other motorists on the road prevented them from pursuing him in an active chase. Within 17 miles of roadway, the young man from Kent, Ohio, had hit two vehicles before finally rear-ending a minivan carrying a Toledo couple.
The couple, who were both wearing seat belts, were killed. The husband and wife were both 77 years old. The young man was injured, but was still able to exit his vehicle in time to escape further injury or even death, as the vehicle exploded into flames. His injuries were not serious, and he was taken from the hospital to the county jail on Friday.
An investigation is still ongoing, however, the case is expected to go to a grand jury. There is no information as of yet to explain what made this young man decide to embark on such reckless behavior. Nevertheless, two lives have been taken, and undoubtedly, family members will be mourning the losses this holiday season.
In accidents such as this one, there are many unanswered questions. Questions could be asked as to whether or not the accident might have been prevented if the OSHP had tried to stop the speeding vehicle. They were apparently aware of it and made a conscience decision not to pursue. Also, in addition to facing vehicular homicide charges, the young man could be held accountable for his actions in a wrongful death suit by the families of the deceased.
Source: toldeonewsnow.com, “Driver charged with vehicular homicide after 2 killed in turnpike” Holly Roney, Nov. 28, 2013