A motorcycle accident in Boone County, Kentucky has claimed the life of a Harrison, Ohio, woman. She passed away at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center last Wednesday from injuries sustained in the crash on November 7.
The deceased had been traveling west on Petersburg Road as she approached a downhill 90-degree curve. She lost control of her 2012 Harley Davidson and was ejected from the motorcycle. Both she and the bike slid on the pavement, striking a guardrail. She was airlifted to the Cincinnati hospital and was being treated for life-threatening injuries when she passed away.
Boone County deputies reported speed and overcorrection were factors in the crash. The victim was not wearing protective gear or a helmet.
Motorcyclists are more at risk for serious injury or death in an accident
According to statistics from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS), a third of the motorcycle fatalities in 2017 were caused by speeding, and 23% of the fatalities in that year occurred when the motorcycle collided with a fixed object.
Overall, motorcycle accidents happen almost 27 times as often as car fatalities in traffic accidents, and 76% of the time the impact of the motorcycle is in the front.
The effectiveness of helmet laws for motorcyclists
Almost all states have a helmet law for motorcyclists, and nearly half now require the use of a helmet for all riders. The overall use of a helmet by bikers in 2017 was 65.2%, with helmet use being much higher in states with universal helmet laws.
In states where there are no universal helmet laws, however, 57% of the time the motorcyclist was not wearing a helmet when the accident happened, while in states with stricter helmet laws that figure was 8%. The universal helmet laws in both Ohio and Kentucky were repealed in favor of lesser requirements for underage operators and their passengers.
Compensation for catastrophic injuries
Motorcyclists are at high risk for catastrophic injuries and death even in low-impact accidents. The reckless actions of another driver can prove deadly to a motorcyclist, especially when the accident was a hit-and-run or if the biker was forced off the road. Defective motorcycle parts, such as failed brakes, can also contribute to an accident.
Recovering compensation after a serious motorcycle accident can be challenging. Getting experienced legal counsel can make all the difference in getting the maximum compensation for your claim.