These days when the aftermath of a car crash is seen on the side of the road many people probably immediately suspect that distracted driving was involved. After all, by now we are all familiar with the usual signs of distracted driving: sudden, sharp corrections to stay in a lane; failing to go right away when a traffic light turns green; and even seeing drivers’ eyes in their own rearview mirror as they look down at their phones instead of ahead at the road in front of them, among many other signs. When we think about distracted driving, we usually think of one primary distraction – the ever-present smartphone.
Distracted driving in America
Of course, there can be other distractions for drivers, beyond their smartphones. As a recent news article noted, personal grooming behind the wheel is a big one, as is messing with the radio or climate control, or other “infotainment” in the car. October is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and organizations like AAA are doing their best to highlight all of the possible distractions for drivers, how those distractions can be avoided and how, if distractions are not avoided, the consequences can be disastrous.
For example, the recent news article noted that in one year alone – 2018 – almost 3,000 people died in America in car accidents in which distracted driving was involved. Perhaps the most frustrating aspect of these statistics is that distracted driving, like drunk driving, is entirely preventable.
When Ohio residents are involved in car accidents that may have been caused by distracted driving, they may have legal options to consider. A personal injury lawsuit could lead to an award of financial compensation. However, each car accident is unique, so anyone who finds themselves in this position would probably benefit from getting more information about their own situation.