Delivery drivers have a challenging job that puts them in a variety of situations. They may encounter unsafe conditions that include factors like ice, snow, unsecured railings and uneven surfaces.
The injuries that delivery drivers can face if they fall can have catastrophic results. Some may be unable to work while they heal. Delivery drivers may be able to seek compensation for the injuries they suffer, but it depends on several factors.
What caused the conditions that led to the fall?
Some cases are fairly simple because it’s clear where the fault lies. This usually occurs when there’s disrepair or code violations at the property. For example, if a handrail next to stairs is in poor shape and someone falls, the homeowner is typically liable for the injuries.
Injuries that occur because of a fall on snow or ice are a bit more difficult to determine liability. Generally, if there’s snow or ice present because it’s currently snowing or just finished snowing, the homeowner wouldn’t be considered negligent..
If the homeowner shovels the property and makes the condition worse than it was before they shoveled, the homeowner could be considered liable for the injuries. The homeowner could also be found negligent if there was a slick condition caused by something, such as worn or blocked gutters, that they could have prevented.
Because these cases can be complex, it’s best for an injured delivery driver to get experienced legal guidance. This enables them to review the options and determine how to move forward with the case. These matters have strict time limits that are set by state law, so it’s important to handle the matter quickly.