If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident and intoxicated driving is a factor, there could be more parties at play that at first glance. Initial inclinations are usually to blame the driver who is accused of intoxicated driving, and this very well may be true. However, there could be another party involved that could be held accountable for the driver’s intoxicated driving behavior. If this is true, it would be in a person’s best interest to explore how that could potentially play out.
So, what are dram shop laws? Dram shop laws allow victims of drunk driving accidents to attempt to hold bars and alcohol retailers accountable for deaths, injuries or any other damages caused by an intoxicated driver. Those who have been injured or who have suffered the loss of a loved one due to a drunk driver may have more than one party to seek damages from.
Personal injury lawsuits can help those who are injured by other person’s negligence seek damages for those losses. The elements necessary to prove that one violated a dram shop laws include showing proof of the sale of alcohol to the accused and that injuries were suffered by a victim as a result. There must be “proximate cause” between the alcohol sale and intoxication. Intoxication must be at least one cause of the damages.
Drunk driving accidents can have long-lasting repercussions for those who are injured in these accidents. Some even lose their lives. For this reason, drunk drivers and those who overserve the visibly intoxicated can be held accountable. Dram laws can help achieve this goal.