If someone is injured in a car accident, the most common type of injuries Ohio residents think of are brain injuries, broken bones and, in some instances, whiplash injuries. Many people probably do not think of burn injuries. However, burn injuries and scars are common. Scars can result from whiplashes, road rashes and even from side or front mirrors. While bones may mend, scars can serve as a permanent reminder for accident victims about the trauma they have suffered in the car accident.
Recovering from a burn injury is a lengthy process and is often accompanied by multiple surgeries that require extensive time to recuperate. The scars can disfigure victims and can be permanent in some instances. The treatment required to recover can drain resources quickly. A personal injury claim against the negligent driver that caused the accident may be one way to recover compensation to cover treatment.
At our law firm we understand not only the physical consequences of burn injuries and scars, but also the emotional ones. For this reason, any claim made should typically include not only the cost of immediate treatment, but also of reconstructive surgery that may take place in the future. In addition to pain and suffering, the claim should also cover treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, which can occur as a result of these injuries.
Accident victims deserve to get the help they need. Recovery can be a lengthy process, but Ohio residents should not hesitate from getting treatment due to medical costs. For more on burn and scar injuries, visit our page.