Motorcycles are a frequent presence on Ohio roadways. Along with the enjoyment that a motorcyclist feels from being out on the open road on his or her bike, there are common dangers associated with riding a bike. Even when riders wear helmets and other protective devices, a motorcycle accident can lead to long-lasting damage and even fatalities. This is true even when a rider is cautious. In many instances, these accidents are due to motorcycle unawareness on the part of other people on the road, as can be seen from one recent wreck.
Recently, 51-year-old man was hospitalized after his motorcycle collided with a police cruiser driven by a 47-year-old member of the Ohio State Highway Patrol. Both men were hospitalized. The motorcyclist is said to be in critical condition. The investigation into the crash has indicated that the officer was pulling his cruiser out of a gas station and was hit on the side of the vehicle by the motorcycle. The bike then caught fire. The accident occurred at shortly before 8 p.m. Charges have yet to be filed and the investigation continues.
A motorcycle accident can have a substantial impact on the life of a victim and the victim’s family. There can be serious injuries, hefty medical costs, the need for rehabilitative care, the inability to work, and the possibility of never returning to full independence. If a victim survives, it is possible that there will be the need for care 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If there is a fatality, the surviving family may have to deal with emotional loss as well as financial ramifications. Knowing how to pursue compensation may help protect these individuals from an unfair outcome.
In this accident, the motorcyclist crashed into a police cruiser as the cruiser was leaving a gas station. Although the investigation is ongoing, the motorcyclist’s injuries are such that it is imperative that his family understand his and their rights under the law. They should therefore think about contacting and speaking to a legal professional as soon as possible to discuss the possibility of filing a lawsuit.
Source: WHIO, “Motorcyclist remains in critical condition,” June 15, 2015