Ohio bill would ban red-light cameras in most areas

On Behalf of | Nov 21, 2013 | Car Accidents

Do red-light cameras reduce car accidents or should they be banned in Ohio? That is the question being debated in the state after a bill was passed by the House that would ban the use of red-light traffic cameras in most areas in the state. The bill would only allow red-light cameras to be used in school zones but only when a police officer is present.

The bill was proposed after a debate ignited over red-light cameras only being used to generate more traffic citations and money to local law enforcement agencies. Now that the bill has been passed by the House, safety advocates, law enforcement officials and many individuals are voicing their support for red-light traffic cameras and the impact it has on reducing car accidents.

A coalition in Ohio reported that red-light cameras reduce car accidents and save lives. The coalition includes police officials, city officials and safety advocates who support Ohio’s use of red-light cameras in critical intersections throughout the state.

Supporters of red-light cameras said they have improved traffic safety and decreased car accidents. They said that the cameras reduce crashes and shouldn’t be banned because some drivers are upset about getting traffic tickets.

The debate over red-light cameras will continue in Ohio as a legislature is currently planning to propose a bill that would reform the state’s current law on how red-light cameras can be used.

Running red lights is a serious safety issues and causes many car accidents every year in Ohio. Many car accidents in intersections result in injuries and even fatalities because of the speed of the two vehicles and how they hit each other. Many intersection accidents are T-bone crashes, where one person runs a red light and hits the side of another vehicle that is driving through the intersection. These accidents are very dangerous and can result in devastating consequences for those involved.

Hopefully the state will be able to come to an agreement on how to use red-light cameras as they can have improve safety and reduce car crashes in intersections.

Source: The Columbus Dispatch, “Coalition says red-light cameras reducing accidents, saving lives,” Alan Johnson, Nov. 14, 2013

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