Wrong-way car accidents can be very dangerous and often result in more serious injuries compared to other types of car accidents in Ohio. While wrong-way car accidents do not happen as often as other types of car crashes in the state, wrong-way accidents are more severe and usually involve multiple vehicles, according to a new report by the Ohio State Highway Patrol.
The Ohio State Highway Patrol released the report after analyzing wrong-way car accidents since 2011 in the state. The highway patrol reviewed 60 wrong-way car accidents that occurred between 2011 and 2013 in Ohio. They reported that the accidents happened on divided roadways and caused 31 deaths and 85 injuries to individuals involved in the wrong-way car accidents.
The report said that many wrong-way accidents that happen on interstate roads and other roads that allow vehicles to drive at higher speeds often result in very severe injuries or fatalities to victims of these accidents. They reported that 80 percent of wrong-way accidents in Ohio happen at night, and more than 50 percent of these crashes involved a driver suspected of being impaired by alcohol or drugs.
The Ohio State Highway Patrol released the report in an effort to make the public aware of the dangers of wrong-way crashes as well as inform law enforcement and lawmakers about the causes of wrong-way accidents to help them understand what safety precautions and actions should be taken to try to reduce these tragic accidents from happening in the future.
The Ohio Department of Transportation said that they are always looking for ways to prevent drivers from driving the wrong way, and said that they review road signs regularly to see if the signs should be placed in a different area or if the signs need to be changed to help prevent people from driving the wrong way.
Source: News Net 5, “Ohio State Highway Patrol releases report on wrong-way crashes,” Kantele Franko, June 28, 2013