This is the time of the year when car accidents with deer are most likely to occur in Ohio. Deer collisions can be very dangerous and drivers should be aware of the safe driving behaviors they can take to prevent a collision with a deer.
November and December see the highest car accidents involving deer, with one-third of deer collisions occurring during these two months in Ohio. The increase in deer collisions is attributed to the deer hunting season and also because the deer population increases every year between October and January.
Fewer car collisions with deer have been reported during the last three years in Ohio. The Ohio Insurance Institute said that the downward trend in deer-car accidents is due to the increased awareness of deer being on the road.
Despite the decrease in car accidents involving deer, Ohio motorists still need to take precautions while driving. The Ohio State Patrol offered the following tips to reduce the chance of being a collision with a deer:
- Drive at or below the speed limit where deer-crossing signs are present.
- If you see a deer in the road, slow down and be alert. More deer are likely to appear.
- If a collision is unstoppable, try to maintain full control of the vehicle. Brake firmly and stay in your lane. Do not swerve to avoid hitting the deer.
If you do hit a deer, it is important to report it to local law enforcement or a state wildlife officer.
Source: The Lima News, “One-third of deer-car accidents happen this time of year,” Kate Malingowski, Nov. 25, 2012