The seasoned legal team at Gregory S. Young Co., LPA, has protected the rights of injured persons since 1958.

Tips for preventing scars

By knowing which wounds are more likely to scar and how to care for them, people can maintain a good appearance.

Winding up with a cut or scrape can turn from an immediate inconvenience to a later blemish, even for those living in the more humid climates of Ohio and Kentucky. Scarification is a natural process that is a result of the way the body heals its wounds. Unfortunately the body’s natural processes do not take into account one’s social presentation, and having a scar, especially on the face, can be embarrassing to deal with. Understanding how scars form and how to prevent them can lessen the amount that people have to deal with.

How scars are formed

There are a few ways that a scar can develop. A scar is actually a buildup of a protein called collagen into overlapping fibers, and are mainly formed when the skin is damaged at a deeper layer, such as in the following instances:

· Stretched skin that occurs with pregnancy is actually a kind of scar.

· Acne can leave sunken pits where the fat below the skin was lost.

· If excess collagen is produced, a hypertrophic or raised scar can be formed.

· Usually however, scars appear as a paler, flat area of skin where a wound once was.

Unless a wound is very minor, there will usually be some degree of scarring involved.

Scar prevention

While in many cases there is no way to completely stop the body from forming a scar, there are techniques of wound care, as well as methods to apply to a scar that has already been healed, that can reduce the visibility. Exposure to the light of the sun can actually cause a scar to become more discolored, so it is a better idea to keep the area covered. Getting stitches may seem like it would alter the skin more, but they will generally reduce the size of a scar if the doctor’s instructions are followed.

As a wound is healing, it is important to change the bandage every day. Before covering the wound, some kind of ointment or gel should be applied beneath the bandage. Scabbing will lead to scarring. Keeping a wound covered with petroleum jelly or a bandage will prevent a scab from appearing. Cleaning of a wound should not only happen when the wound is first bandaged but throughout the entire healing process.

The costs of an injury in Ohio and Kentucky can be far greater than having a slight blemish on the appearance. The treatment of any severe injury can become very costly, and the pain can potentially last a lifetime. In such instances, a lawyer in the local area practicing personal injury law may be able to help people obtain financial compensation.

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